Volume 0, Issue 0

Archive for the ‘Art’ Category

Working in Progress

In Art on 2012/07/23 at 9:38 am

Wishing Well (in progress) by Saia RomanisaelThe works in progress featured in this article are by Saia Romanisael, whom I have never to date met in person but consider to be a close friend. I include her striking pieces here less to accuse her of sorcery than to visually highlight her use of deep-textured elements of symbology and association that would make for good hoodoo workings. Should she be so inclined.

So much of what we think of as the syncretic hodge-podge of homebrew magical action is about a thousand percent tied up in the artistic process, and that fascinates me. We work in symbols and arrange them, in whatever media, according to a logic that has nothing to do with linearity and traditional causal logic. Read the rest of this entry »